In Before The Lock is a podcast from Erica Kuhl and Brian Oblinger about community, customer experience, and leadership at scale. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and everywhere that podcasts are found.
🧵 65: Try a bunch of stuff
“How can I manage and set engagement expectations/goals when our community members don’t use our service/product everyday therefore may not interact daily/weekly with a community space?” — Hannah Rafter
🧵 55: Fractions of fractions
“Do you think there is a minimum size of customers/users that you need to have to make a community successful?” — Yeori Hokken
Brought to you by Commsor.
🔓 9: Everyone wants a cool dashboard
All about community measurement - Part 2: Targeting specific stakeholders, designing effective reports, and telling compelling stories.
Designing Reports:
Telling Compelling Stories:
Erica’s Blog: Story Time
🔓 8: Just say No to Page Views
All about community measurement - Part 1: Building a framework to measure performance, defining KPIs and health metrics, and partnering internally to accelerate your efforts.
Framework for measurement:
What are the business problems (Goals) you’re trying to solve?
“We need to reduce our support costs”
What is the approach (Strategy) you will take to meet those goals?
“We will build a self-service support community”
How will you measure (KPIs) the performance of your strategy?
“Dollar value of community-served support queries”
What data (Metrics) will you need to calculate your KPIs?
“# Visits, Survey Results, Cost Per Case, Community Cost”
KPIs, health metrics, and program-specific measurement:
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Vanilla cloud-based customer community software. Drive loyalty, grow sales, and reduce service costs
🔓 3: Sell the why
Assessing if your company is ready for community, crafting a vision, and building your plan to gain alignment.
Building a vision:
“Community is a numbers game.” - Joe Cothrel
Building a plan:
Resource: V2MOM
Resource: OKR Planning Template
Resource: Plan on a Page Template
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Khoros Syndication allows you to amplify community content throughout search, purchase, and support in a simple, scalable way.